Somatics & Design Intuition Resource List

This post is meant as an adjunct to a talk I did July 18, 2024 with Ladies that UX in Atlanta.

The talk was an introduction to somatic practices and an invitation into somatics as a tool in our design practice, particularly in the cultivating of self-care, belonging, human-centered design, and making for systemic complexity.

In the research for this talk and in my years as a somatics practitioner and UX designer I've come across more resources than would ever make sense for a single workshop. For those curious to deepen in any of the areas touched on in the short workshop that Thursday night in Atlanta, here are some breadcrumbs.



  • Haines, Staci. The Politics of Trauma.
  • Design for Belonging.
  • Meadows, Donella. Thinking in Systems.
  • Thomas, David Dylan. Design for Cognitive Bias.
  • Johnson, Dr. Rae. Embodied Activism.
  • Hemphill, Prentis. What it Takes to Heal.
  • Brown, Brené. Daring Greatly.
  • Höök, Kristina. Designing with the Body.




Slides for the talk